3D Laser Scanning
Acquire the high accuracy data you need for your bridge build in a shorter time
We offer a 3D laser scanning alternative to traditional topographical surveying that can help simplify your workflow and speed up project implementation. If you’re working with an existing bridge structure, our experienced operators can conduct a laser scan of the whole structure and produce a 3D point cloud model of the bridge. By precisely measuring the location and distances, we reduce the risks traditionally associated with surveying at height or in public locations. The data captured can be integrated with your existing asset management system.
If you’re working on new construction, a 3D scan can be utilised in the initial project phases to map areas that are hard to reach, and in the latter stages of the project to provide a means to frequently check work against the design to ensure the infrastructure is built correctly, or for use as part of as-built documentation. It’s a particularly suitable technique for large or complex projects where traditional surveying may be prone to human error.
Reach out to Mekina Industries now to inquire about our 3D laser scanning service. Minimise errors and omissions while optimising both time and cost savings for your project.